5 Workouts To Do On Your Lunch Break

Many of us are still working from home. Many of us still can’t access our gym. And many of us are getting stuck in this rut of every day feeling the same.
“Lethargy”, in particular, is the word that comes to mind for me. For others, “overwhelmed” might be a more appropriate term.
How do we break out?
While there are many solutions to explore and it will depend on each individual person, for today’s blog we are going to talk about lunch time workouts.
The Benefits of Workout out on Lunch Break
Many of us are facing mental, physical, and temporal obstacles that are keeping us from enjoying the benefits of working out. When we miss out on working out, we miss the sweat, the feeling of being alive, the challenge, the excitement, and the peace and pride that comes afterwards.
And yet, while we may feel like we don’t have the time or energy to workout, once we start working out we may actually feel like we have more time and energy… Weird, isn’t it?
In part, this is because when we make time to workout, we give our day structure.
For me, at least, I get more done when I have a schedule: when I plan out what needs to be done and when I am going to do it, I am more apt to do it.
Thus, planning out your day can help you make time for things. It can even make you feel like you have more time, overall. And you can start by planning to do your workout in the middle of the day during your lunch break.
In terms of feeling more energized, working out can help us sleep better. And, if you workout, you spend less time (and mental energy) dreading your workout; and less time feeling guilty when you decide not to do it because you’re too tired/busy/etc.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY: Lunch time workouts might be the kickstart your day – and fitness routine – needs to feel lively again.
5 Workouts for your Lunch-time Fitness Routine!
Ready to put this into action? I’ve got 5 different workouts you can do that leave you enough time to warm up and cool down, and also have lunch. It’s key to still have lunch during your lunch break! It may require a bit more planning beforehand.
Workout #1: No Equipment Needed
This workout requires no equipment and is great for when you want to just push your desk chair aside and get ‘er done.
5 rounds:
- 12 Burpees
- 20 air squats
- 1 min plank
Workout #2: Just Bands
Got bands on hand? Let’s put them to work!
3 Sets:
- 20 banded jumping jacks
- 20 abductors
- 10 leg drops
3 Sets:
- 10 hamstrung curls (per leg)
- 10 side steps (per direction)
- 20 banded squats
3 Sets:
- 10 glute kickbacks (per leg)
- 10 sidekicks (per leg)
- 10 mountain climbers (per leg)

Workout #3: Got Weights?
Grab your dumbbells – we’re turnin up the heat!
10 min AMRAP:
- 8 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
- 8 Dumbbell Push Press
Rest 1 minute
10 min AMRAP:
- 8 Devils Press
- 8 Weighted Sit Ups
Workout #4: Let’s Go!
Want to leave the desk behind for a bit? Let’s go for a run!
Every 3 minutes on the minute (12 min/4 rounds):
- 200 m run
- 20 walking lunges
Step 5:
This workout is for Garage Gym Warriors with a dedicated space to throw some iron around.
“The Chief”
5 rounds (i.e. 19 minutes total)
3 min AMRAP:
- 3 Cleans (95#/135#) *or dumbbells, kettlebells, whatever you've got*
- 6 push ups
- 9 air squats
- 1 min Rest