You Can Earn $1000 From Fitness: Even If You're Not A Pro!

I have been doing CrossFit for 10+ years. I have participated in a few competitions. I've never placed first, not even second.
I've taught fitness classes at my local gym. I got my dad, sister, and brother to join me at the gym and helped turn it into a fun, healthy family activity that brought us closer together.
But you know what's awesome?
I still could have been a sponsored athlete in my lifetime!
Without changing anything! Without putting in more hours! Without lifting more, running more, actually winning a competition, or setting any records!
And you could be TOO! Thanks to the Synergee Scholarship!
Synergee is offering a $1000 scholarship AND a Dorm Room Fitness Pack (valued at $250) for any full-time students in Canada or the US. The qualification and application information can all be found on our website, and it's pretty simple:
One hard-working and dedicated fitness leader will be selected for the prize. And all we want in return is a story. Yup, $1000 for 500 words. That’s $2 a word! That’s more than any writer I know makes!
We will be giving this awesome award to whoever has the most inspiring fitness journey that demonstrates the values Synergee holds near and dear.
As long as you are a full-time student in Canada or the US, already enrolled in or entering post-secondary school, you can apply for this money!
$1000 is a lot of money to give away. But we see as giving back to the fitness community and investing in a future fitness leader’s success.
We are only as strong as our community is, and strength comes from more than lifting weights and running sprints.
Fitness is an important determinant of health, but having a post-secondary education is a social determinant that has huge impacts on one’s longevity, too!
And yet, school is expensive and out of reach for many because of its cost. $1000 could help you pay for tuition, or help you maintain a budget for eating well and working out regularly along with your studies. We want to help you THRIVE!
AND the $250-value Dorm Room Fitness pack has got the gear you need to get your workout on between study sessions.

APPLY BY Feb 28 2021!
So what would you do with $1000? How would becoming a sponsored athlete make your life better or easier?
Think about that, and then write all about it in 500-ish words and send it my way. I can't wait to read it!