Give It Just 10 Min: 5 Workouts 10 Min Or Under
Got workout gear? Great!
Don't got workout gear? That's cool too!
All that REALLY matters is that you have 10 minutes.
Today we're sharing 5 workouts that are 10 minutes (or less if you go real fast).
Let's go!
Workout #1
2 rounds:
50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest per movement:
- Burpees
- Mountain Climbers
- Walking Lunges
- Push Ups
- 180-degree Jumps
Workout #2
Odd Number-Minutes:
- 3 Back Squats, 4 burpees*
Even Number-Minutes:
- 3 Push Press, 4 burpees*
*Burpees should be done as fast as possible
Workout #3
Open 12.1 Workout: AMRAP 7
- Burpees
(yes, just burpees)
Workout #4
Treat each round of movements as a complex - i.e. try not to rest between movements
- 5 sit ups
- 5 bicycle crunches (per side)
- 5 V Ups
- 5 Deck Squats
- 5 Burpees
Rest as needed between complexes
Complete as many complexes as you can in 5 minutes
THEN finish with 800 M Run (or run for 5 minutes if your 800m pace is more than 5:00)
Workout #5
10 min AMRAP
Start at 1 rep each movement, then 2, then 3, adding a rep with every round
- Dumbbell Thrusters
- Box Jump
- Walking Lunge (1 per side)